Healing is a long, slow ceremony of coming home. And we are not meant to do it alone.
My practice is a non-judgemental client-led space for brave souls to shine light into the parts of themselves that are calling out for attention.
Inner criticism. Addiction. Codependency. Self doubt. Anxiety. Challenging relationships. Difficult emotions. Fear. Depression. Shame. Confusion.
These unresolved places within us hold an emotional charge that can make living life hard. It has been my experience — and that of my clients — that relief and freedom are possible.
It is my great honor to walk beside others as they come to trust their inner knowing, find their voice and live their lives with courage and compassion.

My Core Values
1. Personal Integrity
I walk the path alongside you, doing my own work while guiding others. With over a decade professional growth, mentorship and lived experience, I bring not just training but embodiment. I’m committed to showing up authentically, sharing my own struggles and growth when it serves your journey.
2. Compassionate Empowerment
I hold a heart-centered space where all parts of you are welcomed with kindness. I trust in the positive intentions of every part of us and teach you how to help your parts to grow, update, and thrive. My mission is to help you use your voice with both vulnerability and effectiveness, honor your boundaries, and cultivate loving-kindness for yourself and others.
3. Devotion to Healing & Inner Leadership
I am dedicated to honoring the interconnectedness of all life, believing in the innate wisdom within each of us. By helping you ignite your connection to your inner healer, I support your journey toward self-leadership and collective liberation. Together, we lessen the world’s pain by healing ourselves.
4. Safe Connection
I always aim to create a grounded, real, and open space where you feel seen and supported. I welcome ongoing feedback and am always available for repair when ruptures (big or small) occur.
My dark night of the soul came early.
At 25 years old I found myself googling various mental health disorders trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. In a desperate attempt to get to the bottom of my depression, codependency and confusion I got sober… hoping for some clarity.
I had been numbing out my pain in various ways for a long time. As a child I was a highly sensitive soul and often felt misunderstood. As I got older, I had no idea how to process my big emotional life – experiences of heartbreak and rejection got pushed down further. I created protective strategies to keep myself safe in the world and in relationships. Perfectionism. People-pleasing. Acting like I didn't give a f*ck (about anyone or myself). Inner-criticism. Shame. Unworthiness. But all my tactics finally run their course.
Deep down I wanted to have a vibrant beautiful life. I knew – or should I say, I hoped – I had gifts to offer this world. I had done the best I could… but the things I was doing were no longer serving me… They were hurting me. And I was willing to do the work.
Eventually I found Internal Family Systems… for me IFS was the missing piece that helped me SLOW DOWN. It gave me a way to attune to these parts of me in the ways I always yearned for. Piece by piece I took down the walls I had created. I greeted my armor… thanked it and let myself fall apart. I discovered that each time I did this, I felt lighter. It took some time to trust this process, but thank god I did, because it gave me back myself.
It wasn't long before my future husband entered the scene. Cedar and I met at our beloved Los Angeles yoga studio. He marched right up to me after a class and asked me out (Go Cedar!) And it was ON!! #FireEmoji
Ahhh the ease of new love… Great chemistry. Brave conversations. Pumping the breaks so we didn't move too fast…we felt very woke as we mindfully navigated our dating process. We moved in together. And then… slowly but surely… our “stuff” started to creep in. We were being invited into a whole new level of what intimacy in partnership is really about.
My big feelings were met with what felt like rejection. The more I wanted him to accept me as I was, the more he moved away. Feeling rejected - I had no interest in fulfilling his desires for connection. We were both unfulfilled. We kept finding ourselves in cycles like this. This was not what we thought we signed up for. So after months (or was it years?) of breakdowns and pain… we interrupted the cycle.
We got help. We hired coaches who were doing this work. They helped us understand what was happening, why it was happening, and what we needed to learn/do to move through it. We learned how to connect with our vulnerability. How to speak for our parts so the other could hear. The pieces started falling in place.
We still have our “stuff.” But now – we recover quicker. We practice taking responsibility for our part of a breakdown. WE REPAIR. We have deeper intimacy both emotionally & physically!! It’s a different kind of love than it was at the beginning… we feel more connected, in-sync and more in love than ever.
Today I give myself the grace to be a messy human.
To know that WHAT TRIGGERS ME in life (and in my marriage) IS MY TEACHER.
I have self-compassion and devotion to doing this work.
And it is my deepest honor to walk with individuals and couples as they slow down to heal from the inside out.
Bahia Miller is a Level 2 Internal Family Systems (IFS) & Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) Practitioner, Certified Conscious Partnership Coach, and Life Coach. She uses this work to help individuals and couples to connect with and heal their parts – and their hearts.
She began the work of healing her own relational trauma over a decade ago when she was confronted by her inability (and sincere desire) to form a lasting partnership. Her passion is to hold safe and non-judgmental space for brave humans as they do the inner work of creating secure attachment within themselves and then a life (filled with healthy relationships) that they love.
Bahia has been walking this path with women and men since 2015. She brings her compassion, grounded energy, and trust in each person's unique path to the process.
I would also like to thank all of my teachers and mentors over the years (Rebecca Benenati, Ama Castro, Jackie Shea & my IFS Community). I am also grateful for the shadow teachers who helped me meet my pain and eventually… my power.